Personal Finance


The world has gone online. With little strides, we are getting the whole world into a digital space. The world is a village now, and we bear each other's risks. This is heavy. We hope you are ready for this massive shift. Insurance ensures that you are sitting in a castle properly defended against the effects of randomness. We know that ... More

Insurance Options for Students

The hunger for learning sometimes takes us far away from home. This is the situation students around the world face. With these looming uncertainties, you can get insurance as a way to cover yourself against unplanned expenses. Unplanned spending due to risks and damages hurt our budget and our purse. It dents the plan. So, do you have a home ... More

Personal Finance Mistakes People Commonly Make

None of us are perfect, and we all make our fair share of mistakes in life. Financial mistakes are chief among them for many Americans, with many people repeating the same ones over and over. Luckily, there’s no time like the present to make a positive change. Read through these common money mistakes so that you can avoid getting into ... More

Four Things to Look for When Checking Your Credit Report

If you’ve ever scanned your credit report – and you should do so annually – you’ve likely seen all the expected information: name, address, social security number, existing debts and credit applications. If you look closely, though, you may find some surprising information, as well. Here are four items you may be surprised to find on ... More

Why You Should Always Avoid Payday Loans

Payday loans are often advertised as perfect for those with bad credit, who may not qualify for personal loans from traditional lenders like banks or credit unions. However, payday loans are dangerous for a variety of reasons. Borrowers should take caution before using this option. Image via Unsplash/Alexander Mils Continue to original ... More

Model These Financial Habits to Teach Your Kids a Proper Money Mindset

Studies have shown that we develop our relationships with money – both positive and negative – as children. The examples we see from our parents, and the lessons they provide, stay with us unto adulthood and shape how we manage our finances. For this reason, it’s important to be intentional about how we speak to our children about ... More

6 Common Money Mistakes That Can Damage Your Finances

We all make our fair share of mistakes in life, and financial mistakes are chief among them for many Americans. Luckily, there’s no time like the present to make a positive change. Read through these common money mistakes so that you can avoid getting into personal finance trouble that could have a lasting impact on your financial health.... More

Personal Finance Lessons to Teach Your Children

Studies show that we develop our relationships with money – both positive and negative – as children. The examples we see from our parents, and the lessons they provide, stay with us unto adulthood and shape how we manage our finances. For this reason, it’s important to be intentional about how we speak to our children about money. ... More

Look for ‘Gray Charges’ on Your Credit Card Statement

Do you carefully examine your credit card statement each month? If you don’t, you could be missing sneaky charges. When you make purchases online, many companies include fees or service charges that aren’t clearly listed in the pricing information – and which could be costing you hundreds of dollars per year. Read on to learn more. ... More

It’s Smart to Keep a Backup Credit Card

Many people have at least one credit card, and there are financial perks to using one responsibly. However, with so many cards and fantastic perks available, why have just one? Getting a second credit card allows you to keep your options open when making purchases, and it can be useful in an emergency situation, too. Below we’ll explore ... More